The Abril family is growing: New wooden and polyamide legs

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Abrilgetsanupdate.This November we have added new wood and polyamide finishes to our range of ergonomic chairs, highchairs and stools. Now with more optionstochoosefrom, Abril will adapt to any space that needs a touch of design withoutsacrificingfunctionality.
Designed by PatrickNorguet,Abril has been in our catalogue since 2023 and has established itself as one of our most recognisable designs. Its light, comfortable structureandvibrantcolourpalettemake it the perfect chair for projects that require more than just a seat.
Want to know more about what’s new in Abril? We explain it all here.
Abril: Adaptability and versatility
In its first evolution, Abril has evolvedto offer greater versatility and adaptability, with up to fivenewlegoptionsthat can be combined with the monocoque. These modifications greatly expand the product’susability,making it the ideal choice for anevenwiderrangeof environments and needs.
The new leg options allow for differentaestheticsandfunctionalities, offering great flexibilityto suit specificprojects, whether in residential, commercialor contractenvironments.
The addition of these options not only increases the aestheticdiversity of the range, but also improves Abril’sadaptabilityto differenttechnicalanddesign requirements.Users can now choose from several alternatives to find the perfect solution for any space, optimising the useandvalueof any project.
Abril is positioned as a complete,functionalandflexibledesignoption, able to respond to the needsofdifferentsectors. This evolution reinforces its role as a furnituresolutionthat offers customisationandadaptabilityto meet the unique needs of each client.
New finishes available for Abril
The maininnovationsof the family designed by Patrick Norguet include:
- Polyamidebasewithwheels
A five-spoke option with castors for greater mobility. Available for both armchairs and armless chairs, the base and castors can be ordered in black or white, offering more possibilities to meet your customers’ preferences.
Ideal for modern corporate environments, Abril combines functionality and design to create the perfect ergonomic chair.
- Pyramidbaseinsolidoak
This design optimises the previously available wooden base, improving both the aesthetics and the strength of the material. Available for chairs with and without arms.
- Woodenlegsforhighchairs
Wooden leg options are now available for the 65 cm and 75 cm high stools and chairs, in addition to the metal versions.
- Oaklegsfortheclassicfixedchair
This new finish offers the warmth of wood and contrasts with the previous metal option.
- Swivelchairwithwoodenbase
A proposal that combines ergonomics, robustness and elegance, perfect for more demanding projects.
We have also added the option of fullupholsteryfor chairs and highchairs, for added comfort and elegance.
See all these finishes in the product’stechnicalfeatures.
Abril’s sustainable benefits
Abril stands out not only for its design and functionality, but also for itscommitment to sustainability. From the outset, it has been designed as a recyclable range: up to G0.12%of each chair can be reused to make a new one at the end of its useful life.
- Steelframe
It makes up 50.78%of the chair and is 100% recyclable, reducing the extraction of new resources and the carbon footprint. For every tonne of recycled steel, 1.5 tonnes of iron are avoided, as well as the emission of polluting gases.
- Innovationinrecycledpolyamide
This material represents a challenge in the quest for 100% recyclable design. Thanks to advanced techniques such as hydrolysis and depolymerisation, we have achieved a more circular approach that promotes a sustainable and responsible economy.
Read our full sustainability policy here.
Discover all the latest news for Abril
f you want to know more about the Abril updates, don’t worry! You can explore all the new features onourwebsite, where you’ll find datasheets and downloadablefilesto get all the information you need about these new bases.
Prefer to see them in person? Contact oursalesteamto arrange a visit to our facilities in Seville or any of our international showrooms.
Click on the image to view the complete Abril catalogue.
Finally, if you decide to use Abril in one of your projects, shareitonsocialmedia andmentionus!We want to see how you transform spaces with our chairs.
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